This is a short story, which plot is devoted to a murderous plan and the murder itself. The main hero ( the story is 1st person narrative) states at the beginning of a story that he killed an old man.The story starts in medias res.After that, he describes the reason of the murder and his perfectly-culculated plan.The further development of the events is next: the murder itself, hiding the body, inviting the police to the house and the confession. The author uses such type of speech as monologue, where the receiver of the information is not explicitely revealed. Such sevelopment of the story effects the readers perception and feelings, evoking fear and disgust for the main hero. His manner of self-justification is both ridiculous and frightening. While reading, I felt some parellel between Dostoyevski's " Crime and Punishment" as both heroes think that their actions are right and they are innocent. Poe's hero commits the murder in cold blood and after that is cheerful and praises himself for being so smart.
What about other computational parts of the story? Are they absent? Analyse the effect achieved by such plot structure.